Hello there! Just wanted to update everyone on the big man. I went to the Dr today and things went ok. I am 31 weeks tomorrow...and measuring at 35 weeks. Yeah....big man. I lost 4 lbs. They are going to keep an eye on that b/c we dont want me losing weight and the baby getting it all..and having a 12 lb baby. ha! (kinda, laughing....scary laughing) I also had to ask about the way the baby is lying. He is not up and down...as far as I could tell, and she basically confirmed that. He is still laying side to side, curled up..she told me where she thought his head/back/butt /legs are, so that was fun. I just didnt know if it was normal for him to NOT be kicking my ribs right now....I have no idea what I'm doing here, so if you are laughing or thinking I'm silly, stop! :) She said I dont have to worry about him being up and down until 35-36 weeks. His heartbeat was 146 bpm, the nurse said he sounded great.
I also got instructions on what to do if I go into labor..who to call, where to go and all that jazz. so that was fun!
On Monday evening Zach and I went to tour the Maternity Ward @ the hospital (I will be delivering @ Community North) It was neat/nerve wrecking (tooooo the max!) It is so beautiful there, it looks like a hotel, for real. You stay in the same room through everything, which is super nice (unless you have a c-section). There is a little "Dads Den" in the room as well that has a couch that serves as a twin sized bed, with a Flat Screen TV, with DVD player and VHS, microwave and mini fridge. . .its insane! Assuming everything is ok, the baby stays in the room with us at all times, unless we request otherwise. The tour guide lady said that sometimes mothers request the babys stay in the nursery the first night so they can try to sleep....we will see about that. Zach is at this excited point, and I am nervous as hell...about labor. Zach has been asking me all of these questions about what I want and need during labor, and what is he supposed to do...its funny, but I am very appreciative that he is even asking these questions!! He has 2 specific rules, which I will spare you all of what those are, otherwise I told him to kind of just go with the flow with me. I have apologized to him already ahead of time, if I yell at him, that I dont mean it. hahaha! So thats that.....we are going to be Mommy and Daddy to a "big little man" in 9 weeks...give or take. ((this is me freaking the hell out))
We've talked a lot about our visitor situation...with both of us having large families, and lots of friends. I've talked to a few family members and friends who have had babies and asked what they thought too. We decided that immediately following baby, we don't mind our immediate family, parents and siblings, but to wait an hour or 2 and come back down to reality before seeing everyone else. I figure everyone has the rest of their lives to see the baby....they can wait. :)
This week the baby is 3 to 3.5lbs and if stretched out he is about 17 inches long! He will gain half a pound each week until he is born, which I think is insane. His lungs are still developing and aren't fully developed until 36 weeks, but are expanding and conducting "practice breathing." So thats always fun! The other night Zach put his hand on my stomach for a good 15 or 20 minutes and this little boy NEVER MOVED ONCE. I was so frustrated!!! I just want Zach to feel him move, but he just won't! Hopefully he will put on a show for his daddyo, before he comes out!
On another baby note:
Stephanie should be having Carter or Brooklyn ANYTIME now!!! (Her actual due date is Sunday) She is at home with contractions anywhere from 15 to 8 minutes apart. She's been eating spicy food, drinking some tea, and walking all over the place trying to speed things up. She has FINALLY stopped working after I yelled at her about it! She was going to make me crazy as stubborn as she was being about the work thing (yes stephanie, i am talking about you). I can't wait to see what this little tyke looks like!! He/She will be the 1st of the 5 babys born to our "group" of friends..we are all super excited. I will keep everyone updated on Steph!!!