Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So Mom and I went somewhere (I can't remember) and one our way back she pulled up to the mailbox and asked me to get the mail. This is the easiest way to get the mail at my parents house these days because their road is so busy and the cars FLY down it like its 465. [[so annoying...i'm glad the house is far from the road!]] So I get in the mailbox....look at the mail and there is a piece of mail for me...It had no return address, and it was handwriting I didn't recognize. I opened it, curious to who was sending me something (that wasn't a bill). Inside was $50. It was wrapped in NEON ORANGE Post-its. And on one of the post-its it simply said "Love you."

I tear up just writing this. I have no idea who sent it. I asked everyone I could think of that might have the handwriting that I saw. (the handwriting was different on the envelope and the post it....) and everyone said they didn't send me anything. I have an idea of who it was...and I asked her, but she denied it.
There are a lot of crazy, insane....crappy things that have been going on in my life and my parents lives. Some people just have chose to take advantage of particular situations and it sucks (I'll blog about it later, when I can!) I was having serious money issues and I am so blessed to have this certain ANGEL send me $50. I would've cried if it was $10...with as rough as things have been. I am blessed. My babies are blessed.
If you are reading this, and you are the one that sent that money to us....THANK YOU. You have NO IDEA how "right on time" it was. You have no idea how much you truly helped me and my boys. I am **blessed**


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