Sunday, February 1, 2009


I have decided I am going to write a book.
And in this book I am going to tell women to not try stupid crap to go into labor. I have done everything people have told me to do. EVERYTHING.And nothing.
I have walked more than I like to walk....ever in my life. I have eaten the spiciest food I can handle. I have eaten salsa. I have eaten CiCis pizza. I have drank raspberry leaf tea. And a few other things.....this child is warm and cozy and isn't coming out. My hips hurt, and I walk like a 95 year old woman who has needed a hip replacement for the last 30 years. I cannot describe the pain. I have enjoyed being pregnant for the most part (the thought that I am creating life in my belly just fascinates me), but I just want to be able to walk again....instead of waddle. ::smiles::
So now, since NOTHING has worked, I guess we just wait.
I hope to keep the blog updated while I'm in the hospital. I will either do it from my computer, or have Steph or Morgan keep everyone updated. Please do not get mad/upset/feel left out if you dont hear from someone right away....obviously I will be a bit overwhelmed!
After the overwhelming amount of people that were there to see Steph when she had Carter...Zach and I would LOVE visitors, we are hoping to keep it to Family and our closest friends....but give me a few hours (or more!) to get my act together before you come barging in the door! haha! If you know me, you know I MUST put my face on for anyone to see I know there will be a lot of picture taking, and I will not look like a COMPLETE trainwreck...choooo choooo. Thanks!!!

I need you (yes you....everyone) to keep your fingers crossed that this little guy comes on his own and that I dont have to be induced and "force" him out.
